Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fork In The Road

doily turns into blanket..... ....
http://www.alexisla 2008/06/18/ star-blanket/

Always Alice sent this link for a doily pattern that makes a beautiful baby blanket. I posted it today because it really symbolizes how I am feeling right now.

I found out instead of being pre-diabetic, I am now diabetic. Doc gave me a meter and meds and some training and sent me off for a month. I will be attending a class soon for diet and exercise but it hasn't been scheduled.

So today I realized after one day I am at a crossroads. My life as a single person living in seclusion just doesn't match!!!! I pretty much have eaten when I was hungry (breakfast about 2pm.....dinner 8 pm and snack once between and a bowl of cereral before bed) and sleep on my natural schedule: up until 4-6am...sleep until anywhere from 10am to 11am.

One day of tracking with my meter and I can see I need to make a lot of changes. I am to keep a log for the doc and the way I live just doesn't do much to tell him anything. I take the fasting reading when I get up but I don't eat for hours, I'm just not hungry. My meals are healthy but few. Snacks small and healthy until the last 2 months when I had too many sweet. I got chocalate for my swaps and would end up eating them and buying more. And this is where it gets you when you are 57.

So I feel like that doily that now must be a blanket!!!! Hope that makes sense. Frankly, I LIKE the way I sleep and eat (except I was eating too much sweets ). So......

I got online and started educating myself about diabetes...........I AM OVERWHELMED! AND TEARY!! Can't wait until they schedule me for the class. I definately need it!

First goal: reschedule my life......SO IT HAS A SCHEDULE!
2nd first goal: incorporate exercise in my life....
(((((exercise...what is that?....all I do is sit and knit. Yes...all day!!! Every day!!!))))
I walk to the mail box (about 1/2 block) ONCE A WEEK!
I bought a bike, now I need to use it every day and 220lbs isn't a pretty or comfortable sight and embarrassing on a bike.............................................................

Thanks for listening
signed Was a Doily......Now to knit that blanket...boy, this pattern is hard, lol


Trog and Troggy said...

Try not to let it overwhelm you mom, stress does play a huge factor in the diabetic life. You do have to have a lifestyle change, yes.. but you dont have to change the hours of that lifestyle... Your morning would just be at 2 pm! You will have to incorporate walking into the lifestyle, yes, and cutting out some of the snacks (you will find that sacrificing all the snacks doesnt work! You have to enjoy life as well! I haven't had the disease myself, so I can not say I know how it feels, but I have cared for a lot of family who do have it and I do know what works and what doesnt. The key is to plan your new life around you and who you are.. not to try to bend your life around the disease! I have lots of good recipes! And portion control is the key! Enjoy life, enjoy eating.. watch the amounts consumed! I love you, keep me up to date!


listen goofy, the changes are not as bad as you think and your bod will love you for it! a fluffy person on a bike can with time become a toned person. and maybe it is time to come out of the house and do other things! go to knitting groups. visit some of them. or go to other things with them. maybe you can even find a riding buddy(ies)! learn to expirment with new foods. see what you and we can do to help you with taking receipes you love and turning them into something that is low cal and low sweet.