I am using Sirdar Snuggly Fair Isle DK yarn in sh794, bright barbi pink and lavender spots on white, and a solid pink for the cuffs, flap and toes. The first time I tried I used longer needles and they were both Knit Picks circulars.
This time I am use 24" Knit Pick Harmony with the colorful wood tips and red cable and Hiyi Hiyi metal tip circulars with clear cable and it is helping to tell where I am when I am knitting and which needle is next. It still seems so slow but I keep telling myself I am knitting 2 socks so I am really further along then it feels. I have done the 4" total leg and am ready to start the flap tomorrow so I have finished lessons 1 & almost finished with 2.
This really drove me nuts the first try. I think it is my OCD that drove me nuts. Every change of the process I had to make sure that everything was lined up and in place..exactly! I did start the cuff ribbing on double points and knitted K1 P1 for 10 rows before transferring to the circulars. The transfer took a long time as I kept getting one or the other the wrong way........AAAHHHHHHHHH! But once that was set up correctly it wasn't bad at all. I am so bad at knitting the second sock immediately that I think if I keep doing them this way, eventually I will get used to the set up.
I do like not having to keep track of things to make sure both socks match. I spend a lot of time placing markers every 10 rows and writing every little thing down. It was the only way to make sure I got the second sock right since it could be months before I knitted it. I am so fast with double points it is taking some time to get used to going so slow. Most socks I can knit the first sock in 2 to 4 days for a woman's, depending on the pattern.
I really had to MAKE myself not keep fixing everything to line up just right like a photo every time I changed to knit on the next sock. I just concentrated on making sure the needles I was using matched and not worrying about the yarn strings 'feeding' right as they all came out fine after working both sides of both socks.
I'm probably not saying it right but it is just my second time and I have never seen it done before. If you know how to knit 2 socks on 2 circulars this may all make sense. If not, I sure can't help!!!!!! But maybe someday I will be able to. Really wish I was sitting somewhere knitting with a group on this new experience.
I also tried this method for just one sock and really liked it a lot. Less ladders to worry about and with 2 addi 16" cables it was easier for me than using the longer cables. The short ones made it more obvious which needle was needed and faster to get in position.
It really feels funny to think I like knitting with double points the best. I must be getting better this last year as I can still remember how awkward it felt for so long. I really think the key to knitting socks is just concentrating on the 2 needles you are using at the time and only think about the a few stitch directions you are knitting at a time.
It is the same feeling I got when I did my first graphite drawing. Consentrating on such a small area to the exclusion of all else so much so that when you pause.................. and look at what you've done...................... it is a surprise how good it looks and what you just did was right on!! Then you pat yourself on the back and think, 'Hey, I can really draw!'
Or 'Hey, I can knit a sock!'.
Enough tiny moments of instant gratification that knitting socks, like drawing, becomes an addiction.
Happy Sock Knitting, everyone!!!!!
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