Monday, October 26, 2009

Mini Sock Swap

This sock is mine that I knitted for someone. I need to get it in the mail today so it arrives in time.
I hope she like it as much as I do. I had a great time making it. It is made with Lang Jawool superwash and fluffed up so nice and soft when washed. Knitted with 0 needles I altered a pattern for Little Socks by Beth Brown-Reinsel 1995. The original pattern has three rows of the same fairisle pattern. The next round the colors are alternated and then one more set in the colors I used. I bet it would be adorable in Christmas colors. Chloe's Mum is due with #3 in early May and said she would love a set. I see a little sweater set in the future!

Chloe thought the cute chapstick sock I received from Julie was wonderful!!! We had to wait until she went to sleep to get it back. It also arrived with a bag of M&M's. Thanks Julie. This was a really fun swap.

Chloe did a 'happy dance' when she saw it! I didn't realize I need to rotate the photo before posting but actually it fits her personality this way, lol.


Julie said...

you're welcome. glad you got your sock back.
Your DGD is adorable!

N. Maria said...

That is absolutely the cutest mini sock I've ever seen! The stitches are perfect!