Monday, October 26, 2009

Mini Sock Swap

This sock is mine that I knitted for someone. I need to get it in the mail today so it arrives in time.
I hope she like it as much as I do. I had a great time making it. It is made with Lang Jawool superwash and fluffed up so nice and soft when washed. Knitted with 0 needles I altered a pattern for Little Socks by Beth Brown-Reinsel 1995. The original pattern has three rows of the same fairisle pattern. The next round the colors are alternated and then one more set in the colors I used. I bet it would be adorable in Christmas colors. Chloe's Mum is due with #3 in early May and said she would love a set. I see a little sweater set in the future!

Chloe thought the cute chapstick sock I received from Julie was wonderful!!! We had to wait until she went to sleep to get it back. It also arrived with a bag of M&M's. Thanks Julie. This was a really fun swap.

Chloe did a 'happy dance' when she saw it! I didn't realize I need to rotate the photo before posting but actually it fits her personality this way, lol.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just joined a new group

I just joined a new group.....knitting 2 socks at once.

Got my yarn out and rolled 2 balls.......found 2 circular needles.

Cast on.

Knit one complete round.

Then stopped to look at my work.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Turning over a new leaf and leaving the past behind....

Walnut hulls for to use for dyeing yarn. (above)
I have managed to get some knitting done. The Piggy Mittens and hat are for Chloe. They were a really fun knit. I used Duets DK ( A Swell Yarn Shop) yarn and a 3.25mm needle. The free pattern is by SpillyJane at I am making a pale pink set for Savannah. We really don't have any warm wool winter wear. Texans can get away with acrylic yarn blends but that really won't work here. It is freezing at night now and I have been told it will probably snow around Halloween which is only a week away.

Moved to Washington State
I am making a lot of changes in my life.....moving on and leaving the past hurts and disappointments behind. I moved to Washington State two months ago. To celebrate 'turning over a new leaf' in my life, I have changed the look of this blog and will start posting pictures from the trip tomorrow. It was quite and adventure!!! I am still editing pictures.

Prissy, Cinder, Pickles and I now live in a huge home that we have set up like a duplex. Janna and her family live upstairs, I live downstairs, 5 cats live outside, and a mastaff has a pen with her own shed. Janna has 2 cats.....Roxy and Clover. Above are Cinder, Prissy, Pickles, Roxy and Clover. Clover is sitting in the sunroom where the cats spend the night. That is the last of the tomatoes for this year. They had to be picked before the first freeze but are yummier ripening here than the storebought that are picked green for shipping.
Today I raked the leaves from around the walnut trees and took the hulls off the nuts for dyeing yarn. The walnuts still need to be cleaned better and then will dry out before opening. I have had pecan trees in Texas but these are the first walnuts I have even had. I hope we get some good ones as there were worms in many of the hulls. I've never dyed yarn before but I hope I can learn. I am really excited to think I will have yarn to knit from this year of living in this house. Anyone with experience with walnut dye, please leave me a comment. I can use all the help I can get!!